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How Much Does It Cost to Join?

It is absolutely free to join! All you need to do is register with MindField Online to be eligible to participate in our surveys and projects to earn cash and win prizes. We will never ask you for money or attempt to sell you anything. We advise you to be suspicious of companies or their agents who request a fee for you to join panels like ours, as we have no such affiliations.

What must I do to become a member?

It's simple. Complete the registration process and fill out the brief profile survey. When we have a study we feel would be of interest to you, we will email you an invitation to participate.

How does the overall process operate?

We have created a page that details each step of the MindField Online survey process. You may view it by clicking How It Works.

Can I join if I live somewhere other than the United States?

We are currently only accepting residents within the United States and Canada. We expect this to change in the near future.

How many people can sign up using the same email address?

Only one person should register per email address. The information we maintain on your account should be specific to you and your immediate family or household. We also suggest that only one membership per household be registered to eliminate potential duplication and data quality issues.

How many times can I participate?

You can participate once per survey invitation. Our clients occasionally set restrictions on the amount of time that must pass between participation in certain research studies. This varies from project to project and is determined by our clientele. From time to time, we have projects available in our Take A Survey area on our website. So, if you haven't received an email invitation for a survey, you may find opportunities there.

I have more than one computer, which one should I refer to when answering any questions that refer to my computer?

Please select the computer you use most often when completing our surveys.

How much time will I spend completing a survey?

The length of time is different per survey, but we try to keep all of our projects as brief as possible. Most surveys are generally very short and take between 5 and 15 minutes. Your email invitation will always describe each survey and note its expected length. Of course, connection speed and other things beyond our control may have an effect on overall time spent.

What must I do to be entered in a sweepstakes?

Every survey that you take, you account will be entered into our sweepstakes drawling. For a list of the prizes that we give out during our sweepstakes, please visit our Prizes Page. For more information about our sweepstakes and rules on the sweepstakes, please visit our Sweepstakes Page.

What if I opt-out or cancel my membership?

If you no longer wish to receive emails from MindField Online you can request to be opted-out by emailing This will allow you to stop receiving emails but maintain your account status as live. Activated members can choose to log in to their account and Cancel Membership. Keep in mind, this will delete all personal information and study history information as well as forfeit any unclaimed monies. There is no way to recover this information once deleted.